Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar will share stage with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a function in Pune next month — an acquiescence that has generated huge interest, given the recent political developments in Maharashtra. Mr Pawar has given several challenging statements against the BJP and PM Modi after the shock split in his party led by his nephew Ajit Pawar earlier this month. This would be their first meeting since.
At the function on August 1, PM Modi will receive the Lokmanya Tilak award. Mr Pawar will be there as the chief guest.
The fact that the NCP chief has not pulled out of the function has reinforced speculation that Mr Pawar was aware of his nephew’s plans.
The faction led by Ajit Pawar — who joined the ruling BJP-Shiv Sena alliance and took oath as the Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra on July 2 — still claims there has been no split and Sharad Pawar is still the party’s supreme leader. The comment has added to the confusion. The Sharad Pawar faction claims that such comments are meant to draw the NCP voters, which would otherwise have been impossible.
Ajit Pawar has claimed that the leaders of the Nationalist Congress Party were ready to join hands with the BJP thrice in the last four years. Sharad Pawar, while being privy to the discussions, had pulled out at the last moment, he has claimed.
The split in the party had provoked Sharad Pawar to take on PM Modi, questioning his allegations about corruption in the NCP.
“Two days ago the Prime Minister had spoken about NCP… He had said two things in his statement — that NCP is a finished party. He mentioned irrigation complaint and allegations of corruption,” he had told NDTV.