The Asus Vivobook 13 Slate OLED was launched in India on Thursday. The convertible 2-in-1 laptop features a 13.3-inch OLED touchscreen display and runs on Windows 11. The laptop offers up to 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. The new Asus Vivobook 13 Slate OLED packs a great battery backup and the company says the laptop offers up to nine hours of battery life on a single charge. It features a magnetically detachable keyboard and comes with support for the new Asus Pen 2.0 stylus, as per the company sayings.
Asus Vivobook 13 Slate OLED price in India, availability
Asus Vivobook 13 Slate OLED price in India starts from Rs. 45,990 for the 4GB RAM + 128GB eMMC storage variant. Asus Pen 2.0 stylus with holder, priced at Rs. 57,990.
Meanwhile, the high-end Asus Vivobook 13 Slate OLED model with 8GB RAM and 256GB of SSD storage will be placed at Rs. 62,990.
Asus Vivobook 13 Slate OLED specifications
· Asus Vivobook 13 Slate OLED sports a 13.3-inch full-HD OLED touchscreen display.
· It is powered by quad core Intel Pentium Silver N6000 processors.
· The laptop is powered by an Intel Pentium Silver N6000 processor.
· Available in two storage configurations — 128GB eMMC and M.2 NVMe 256GB SSD.
· Connectivity options include Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2.
· Ports on the Asus Vivobook 13 Slate, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and a microSD card slot.
· It includes 13-megapixel primary and 5-megapixel secondary cameras.
· It’s a pack of 50Whr battery for 65W charging.
· It measures 309.9 x 190 x 7.9mm and weighs 0.78kg.
· A single Black color option is available.