The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) team of Maharashtra has seized over 500 GB data from various devices recovered from the suspected terrorists arrested from Pune. This includes drone visuals and screenshots of Google locations of some districts including Pune. The data has been sent for the forensic analysis by the investigation team.
The ATS officials have confirmed that the arrested accused have captured drone visuals of some places in Pune and other districts. However, further details about the exact locations and visuals are still being investigated. The drone camera used by the suspects to capture the visuals has been seized by the ATS team from their residence in Pune’s Kondhwa.
Besides, the ATS team has also seized an electronic circuit which is used to make explosives. The officials said that the accused travelled to various districts in Maharashtra during their stay in Pune and avoided staying at hotels to avoid getting caught since they were already in the list of ‘Most Wanted’ in a case of National Investigation Agency (NIA).
The officials also confirmed that the accused were hardcore terrorists and they are trying to evade questions during the interrogation. One of their associates who belongs to Jharkhand managed to escape on the day they were arrested and were being taken to their residence in Pune’s Kondhwa for search. The ATS has formes teams to nab him.
Earlier, the ATS officials have seized pictures of Chabad House, Mumbai from the arrested accused. Chabad House also known as Nariman House located in Mumbai was under siege during 26/11 attack in 2008. The Mumbai Police on Sunday conducted a mock drill to check preparedness soon after they receive details about the recovery of pictures from the suspected terrorists. Chabad House is a center of Jewish Community located in Mumbai.
It may be noted that the Pune City Police had arrested Mohammad Imran Mohammad Yunus Khan (23) and Mohammad Yunus Mohammad Yakub Saki (24) from Pune’s Kothrud. Both were ‘Most Wanted’ by NIA in a case registered at Rajasthan and were holding a reward price of Rs 5 lakh each on their name. It was revealed that they were members of ‘Al-Sufa’ terrorist organisation which is affiliated to ISIS. The case was later handed over to ATS team for further investigation.