The media streaming device was launched in the US back in 2020. The Chromecast with Google TV brings 4K HDR video playback and has Dolby Vision support. The device also comes bundled with a remote for navigation. Unlike previous-generation Chromecast models, the Chromecast with Google TV brings dedicated Google TV access to let you watch movies and TV shows as well as access a list of compatible apps.
Google is said to have confirmed to FlatpanelsHD that the Chromecast with Google TV is launching in 12 additional countries. These will include India, New Zealand, South Korea, and Taiwan as well as eight countries in Europe, namely Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and The Netherlands.
The launch in Europe is set for June 21. However, exact details about the availability of the Chromecast with Google TV in India and other remaining markets are yet to be revealed.
Gadgets 360 has reached out to Google for clarity on the India launch and will update our readers when the company responds.
FlatpanelsHD reports that the Chromecast with Google TV is already available through third-party retailers in the new markets. The existing units are said to receive an update to support “localised features” including local language for the interface and local services to run on the content side.
Ads in Chromecast’s top carousel would also be localised. Some local services will also be available pre-installed, the report said.
The Chromecast with Google TV was launched in the US in September 2020, with a price tag of $49.99 (roughly Rs. 3,900). It debuted alongside the Google Pixel 4a 5G and Pixel 5.
Google has offered Google TV access on the new Chromecast as a major difference over its existing media streaming models. The platform, which is essentially the branding for Android TV, enables users to have a list of apps and features including Google Assistant and Chromecast support. The device is also capable of delivering content in up to 4K HDR at up to 60 frames per second (fps) frame rate. Further, it offers Dolby Vision support to provide an enhanced viewing experience for compatible content. There is also support for Dolby audio over HDMI.
Similar to the previous Chromecast models, the Chromecast with Google TV comes with a traditional HDMI interface for connectivity with regular TV sets. The device is also bundled with the remote that has a dedicated key to access Google Assistant.
Pricing and availability of the Chromecast with Google TV in India is yet to be revealed. However, Google is currently selling the regular Chromecast 3 at Rs. 3,499.