The Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) had begun announcing the results of the recent final-year first-semester examination, but the university was unable to receive the results of the practical examination due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the mark sheet’s Practical Column is marked as Not Available (NA). Many final-year students’ job prospects have been threatened as a result of this.
Pune University uses internal evaluation and practical grades because it follows a credit system. As a result, institutions required students to complete numerous projects online. It was agreed that the results of the first semester (second last semester of the course) of the final year would be based on the students’ performance. As a result, the students completed these assignments and received a grade.
In April, the University of Pune began conducting online exams for the first semester. When the results were announced online, however, the practical column of the mark sheet read NA, which has now started to influence final year students. Engineering, pharmacy, and architecture students are attempting to apply for placements; and are afraid that lack of practical marks will affect them negatively. The practical grades are expected to show only when the university conducts the final semester examinations.