You know it’s a good week when it doesn’t start with ‘Monday’, but with Fried Chicken Day! And that just sets the tone right for the rest of the week. KFC India celebrated your love for fried chicken all week, with a lot of zing and of course, your favourite chicken. After all – there is no love like #FriedChickenLove.
It all started with a contest on KFC’s Insta page asking fans to express their love for their favourite fried chicken through quotes, songs, emojis, stickers and more. Fans could share stories or posts professing their love and the best entries were rewarded with vouchers – getting them closer to that bucket full of pure fried chicken love! The contest garnered participation by more than 700 KFC fans; with some truly interesting love notes across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
The celebrations also brought some ‘crispy’ respite for those long video calls. Adding the much needed colour and quirk to these calls, KFC presented the fried chicken wallpapers. Now you can attend those work or catch-up calls with an unabashed display of chicken love. Choose from dreaming about chicken to its raining chicken – there’s one for every mood. Download the zany KFC Chicken Wallpapers from, click on the wallpaper of your choice, install them as backgrounds on your video calling App and you are good to go!
Bet all that talk about fried chicken has left you craving for your favourite KFC bucket. Place your order now on the KFC App, visit or visit your nearest KFC restaurant.