Lenovo AIO 520 has been launched in China. The all-in-one PC is powered by an 11th Gen Intel Core i5 processor with Iris Xe graphics, paired with 16GB of RAM and 512GB of SSD storage. The Beijing-based company has equipped the computer with a section designed to quickly access removable hard drives. Lenovo AIO 520 features a 23.8-inch full-HD display with small bezels, supports Wi-Fi 6 connectivity, and is equipped with a 720p webcam, according to the official website.
Lenovo AIO 520 price, availability
The all-in-one Lenovo AIO 520 price has been set at CNY 5,399 (roughly Rs. 62,900), as per the company’s official listing.
Lenovo AIO 520 specifications
Lenovo AIO 520 is powered by the 10nm architecture-based 11th Gen Intel Core i5-11320H processor, which features integrated Intel Iris Xe graphics offering similar performance to the Nvidia Geforce MX450. It is equipped with 16GB of RAM and 512GB of SSD storage. The PC also contains a portable hard disk section, where 2.5-inch hard drives can quickly be connected without any additional connectors. On the connectivity front, the device comes with four USB-A ports, an Ethernet port, and an HDMI port.
Lenovo’s new all-in-one computer features a 23.8-inch full-HD display (1,920×1,080 pixels) with 72 percent NTSC colour gamut support and 178-degree viewing angles. The screen also comes with small bezels measuring 2mm, while Lenovo AIO 520 users will also have access to an integrated 720p webcam, which supports ambient noise reduction with dedicated microphones, according to the report.