As per the information shared by the railway, a special block will be held over the weekend for the work of electronic interlocking between the Khadki and Shivajinagar railway route section
Due to a railway mega block being held in Pune on Saturday, November 25 and Sunday, November 26, several major trains running between the two cities of Mumbai and Pune have been cancelled, causing inconvenience to passengers.
As per the information shared by the railway, a special block will be held over the weekend for the work of electronic interlocking between the Khadki and Shivajinagar railway route section. Consequently, major trains like the Deccan Queen, Sinhagad Express, Intercity, Koyna and Deccan Express running between Pune and Mumbai have been cancelled. Apart from this, many other long-distance trains will either run late or have been short terminated. Furthermore, 46 local train services running between Pune and Lonavala have been cancelled.
A statement issued by the railway reads: “Yard and automatic signalling work is going to be carried out between Khadki and Shivajinagar on the Lonavala to Pune section in the Pune division. Hence, the following trains will be cancelled/diverted/ rescheduled due to pre non-interlocking and non-interlocking work, interlocking of military yard and automatic signalling work from November 22 to November 26 between Khadki and Shivajinagar on the Lonavala to Pune section in the Pune division. Passengers are requested to kindly bear with the administration for the inconvenience caused, and to please check the current running status of the train on the railway enquiry system.”