realme, India’s first brand to launch 5G enabled smartphone, introduced the newest additions to its X series family, the realme X7 5G & realme X7 Pro 5G. The latest addition features two feature-packed smartphones — realme X7 5G – the best designed 5G smartphone in its price segment; and realme X7 Pro 5G – the very best from realme and takes realme one step closer to its dream of becoming a 5G leader in India. Both realme X7 5G and realme X7 Pro 5G are powered by laudable MediaTek chipsets ensuring par-excellence performance and feature bold, futuristic designs.
Commenting on the occasion of the launch, Mr Madhav Sheth, Vice President, realme and Chief Executive Officer, realme India and Europe said, “Bringing new and advanced technologies to masses has always been at the heart of realme. Continuing with the same, we have set our vision for 2021 to become a 5G leader in India. While the realme X7 5G series is just another step towards achieving this vision, we have expansive plans to make 5G enabled smartphones available to the populace. Hence we will bring 5G smartphones across price segments – from budget to flagships. We believe that consumers are ready to adopt such advanced technologies, which is also why we have today introduced India’s first MediaTek Dimensity 800U powered smartphone. The capable 5G processors from MediaTek provide not just a 5G future ready network module, but also the best performance in its price segment as well as better power consumption over 4G equivalent smartphones. The realme X7 5G & realme X7 Pro 5G is the ultimate amalgamation of technology and design, and is bound to be a hit among consumers.”
realme X7 5G is India’s first smartphone to be powered by the latest MediaTek Dimensity 800U chipset, benchmarking at 340,000+. Equipped with a 16.3cm(6.4″) Super AMOLED screen with a punch-hole camera display, the smartphone features a fast unlocking in-display fingerprint sensor and a touch sampling rate of up to 180Hz. realme X7 5G comes with the newly upgraded 50W SuperDart Charge which can charge its large 4310 mAh battery up to 100% in 47 minutes. Its 64MP AI Triple camera set-up comprises a 64MP main camera, an 8MP 119° ultra-wide-angle, and a 2MP macro. Boasting a sleek, lightweight body, and a design inspired by outer space, the realme X7 5G will be available in two colours – Space Silver and Nebula, Priced at INR 19,999(6GB+128GB) and INR 21,999(8GB+128GB). The first sale is scheduled for 12th Feb, 12:00 noon onwards on, & mainline channels.
“The realme X7 is India’s first smartphone featuring MediaTek Dimensity 800U chipset. The chip brings cutting-edge, next-gen technology to the Dimensity SoC series, bringing MediaTek’s advanced 5G, imaging and multimedia technologies to high-performance 5G smartphones that deliver incredible 5G experiences,” said Anku Jain, Managing Director, MediaTek India. “With the focus of powering myriads of high-performance devices for a variety of customer segments, we are also launching realme X7 Pro powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 1000+ chip. As 5G is set to become a reality in India, we look forward to delivering the best-in-class devices to meet the requirements of all customer segments in the future.”
The very best from realme, realme X7 Pro 5G is powered by Dimensity 1000+ 5G Processor and comes with a 360-degree surrounding antenna while also supporting 5G+5G dual SIM and dual standby, and 5G plus Wi-Fi multiple network acceleration. Equipped with a massive 4500 mAh battery and a 65W SuperDart charge technology that energizes the device at lightning-fast speed, the smartphone comes with a 6’5” Super AMOLED display supporting 120 Hz refresh rate with a touch sampling rate of 240Hz. Equipped with an upgraded 64MP wide-angle quad-camera, realme X7 Pro 5G’s 64MP wide-angle main camera uses Sony’s flagship IMX686 sensor to deliver magnificent shots. With this flagship, realme has also introduced the Pro mode for 64MP, which further enhances users’ photography experiences. Featuring a super-thin & lightweight body along with a premium and outstanding design, the realme X7 Pro 5G will be priced at INR 29,999 and will be available in two colours – Fantasy and Mystic Black.