Xiaomi 14 and Xiaomi 14 Pro were unveiled at the company’s launch event in China on Thursday. The new pair of smartphones come with Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC and run on Xiaomi’s HyperOS, a replacement for the company’s MIUI interface. The Xiaomi 14 series smartphones feature LTPO OLED displays with up to 2K resolution and 120Hz dynamic refresh rate. They flaunt a Leica-tuned triple rear camera setup. Both phones feature up to 16GB of RAM and up to 1TB of storage. Both Xiaomi 14 and Xiaomi 14 Pro have an IP68 rating for water and dust resistance.
Xiaomi 14 Pro, Xiaomi 14 price
Xiaomi 14 Pro price starts at CNY 4,999 (roughly Rs. 56,500) for the 12GB + 256GB RAM and storage model. The price goes up to CNY 5,499 (roughly Rs. 62,000) for the 16GB + 512GB variant, CNY 5,999 (roughly Rs. 68,200) for the 16GB + 1TB configuration and CNY 6,499 (roughly Rs. 74,000) for the 16GB + 1TB model.
On the other hand, the Xiaomi 14 is priced at CNY 3,999 (roughly Rs. 50,000) for the 8GB + 256GB RAM and storage variant, CNY 4,299 (roughly Rs. 48,000) for the 12GB + 256GB variant. It costs CNY 4,599 (roughly Rs. 52,000) for the 16GB + 512GB model and CNY 4,999 (roughly Rs. 56,000) for the 16GB + 1TB configuration.
Both smartphones are available in Classic Black, Rock Blue, Snow Mountain Pink and White (translated from Chinese) colour options and are currently available for pre-order.
Details regarding the launch of the Xiaomi 14 series in India are yet to be announced by the company. To recall, the Xiaomi 13 Pro (Review) was launched in India with a price tag of Rs. 79,999 for the sole 12GB + 256GB RAM and storage configuration. The Xiaomi 13 was launched globally in February for EUR 999 (nearly Rs. 87,600), but it was never introduced in India.
Xiaomi 14 Pro specifications
The dual SIM (Nano) Xiaomi 14 Pro runs on the company’s new HyperOS interface and features a 6.73-inch 2.5D LTPO display with a 2K resolution (1,440×3,200 pixels) with up to 120Hz refresh rate. It runs on the brand-new 4nm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset announced just this week. The new series is the first phone to feature Qualcomm’s new chipset, marking a significant upgrade from its predecessor, the Xiaomi 13, which used a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC. It features up to 16GB of LPDDR5X RAM and up to 1TB of UFS 4.0 onboard storage.