Xiaomi Smart TV A series was launched in India on July 21. The new smart TV lineup comes in three screen sizes — 32 inches, 40 inches, and 43 inches — and runs on Google TV. All TVs in the series include Xiaomi’s proprietary Vivid Picture Engine and pack 20W speakers along with Dolby Audio and DTS Virtual:X support. The variants of the Xiaomi Smart TV A series are powered by Quad Core A35 chipset. They feature full-HD display with 1.5GB RAM and 8GB storage. The smart TVs also support YouTube, PatchWall, and Chromecast. They come with new PatchWall+ support that allows users to access over 200 live TV channels without any additional charges.
Xiaomi Smart TV A series, price in India, availability
The Xiaomi Smart TV A series price in India starts at Rs. 14,999 for the base Xiaomi Smart TV 32A model with a 32-inch screen. As an introductory offer, it can be purchased for Rs. 13,999. The 40-inch Xiaomi Smart TV 40A is priced at Rs. 22,999 and the 43-inch Xiaomi Smart TV 43A price in India is set at Rs. 24,999.
All the new models will be available for purchase on Mi.com, Mi Homes, Flipkart and retail stores starting July 25 at 12:00pm IST.
Xiaomi Smart TV A series specifications, features
On the specifications front, the Xiaomi Smart TV 32A, Xiaomi Smart TV 40A and Xiaomi Smart TV 43A run on Google TV with Xiaomi’s own Patchwall UI. The integration with Google TV will allow users to stream apps and access live TV on their home screen. They come with an inbuilt Google Chromecast feature that lets users allow stream movies, shows and more, from their phones right to their TVs.